August 27, 2009

Waiting For The Shot...

At my Chesterton Shores photo shoot yesterday, instant inspiration struck me again in the same way that it did one week ago. There is a sign in the area which says, "Stop - unauthorized entry prohibited." I thought it would be a bit humourous to photograph that sign with a speeding train passing by. Since I can control shutter speed on my new camera, I thought this shot would be a breeze.

In one word, nope.

I'll make a long story short: due to desiring the best positioning possible, I waited one whole hour to get the shot below.

I still don't think it's absolutely perfect; I had to retouch it due to the presence of shadows. However, I still think that the wait was worth it and I'm sure I'll have many more stories like this one in my photoblogging career.

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